Why Oral Wellness?

Please click the links below to view articles for Oral Wellness

Clinical Guidelines Bidra_et_al-2016-Journal 

2018 SW Perio-Implant Advisory Article on C

Links Between Oral Health and General Health 

Ad and Spirochets Td 


Cleveland Clinic Biomarkers 

Dementia Miklossy-J Neuroinflammation - Spirochetes and Alzhiemers

Dental Foci in Kidney Disease


Endodontic Microbiology 2010

Wingrove1 Peri Implant Therapy 

J Clinic Periodontology - 2016 - Sharma - Association Between Periodontitis and Mortality in Stages 3 5 Chronic Kidney

JMedLife-06-244 Respiratory Disease and Oral Bacteria


Perio and Pancreatic Cancer

PD AA Effect on Endothelium

PD and CIMT Progression JAMA

PD and Heart Attacks

PD and Lp-PLA2 AmJ Cardio

PD and Stroke Risk Antibodies to Pathogens

PD Associated with MI Risk 2016


PD in Coronary Plaque

PD Oral Pathogens in ACS Thrombi 

PD Pathogens in Carotid Atheroma

PD PG Invasion of Heart Cells and Endothelial Cells

Perio Disease and Inflammation AmJ Cardio

Perio Lung Cancer

Periodontal Disease and Decline of Cognative Function in Alzheimer's

Periodontology and Cardiology Consensus Report

United Concordia Oral Health Whitepaper

Cleveland Heart Know Your Risk